2023 Goals for Knollwood Kids
Happy 2023 to everyone!
Team Knollwood has been busy planning for the new year of new adventures. We’ve created a list of goals for every Knollwood Kid in the tribe.
Knollwood Kids Follow the Lesson Clothing Requirements.
Remember, after three months of enrollment, riders should wear their own boots, jods, fitted shirt, gloves, and helmet to each and every lesson.
Did we mention tie downs on your jods? Yup, jods won’t do you any good if they’re climbing up to your knees. Whether your boot cut pants require clip ons, or you have jods ready for button on underpasses, these accessories are required for every lesson.
We have them available for sale. If you arrive without tie downs, you can buy from our store.
Finally, all long hair must be tied back, and bulky coats left on the bench in the arena. It’s hard to detect or correct riding position when the person looks like a marshmallow riding a horse.
Knollwood Kids Arrive to Their Lessons on Time.
On time means 15 minutes prior to the lesson time if you aren’t ready to get your own horse ready, or 30 minutes prior if you are advanced enough to prep your own horse. Be prepared to spend time taking care of your horse after the lesson as well.
If you have to leave before your horse is put up, be sure to tell your instructor exactly who is going to take care of your horse in your absence.
Knollwood Kids Join the Knollwood Knockouts.
Our youth group has won awards for their charitable work for the local community, and for the horse industry.
For only $5 a year, you can be a member of this fantastic group of horse people.
We’ll keep track of your academy show points, you’ll get to help with Street Clean-ups, the Car Wash, Gifting families in need at the holidays, and assisting at horse shows. Each member is expected to provide two hours of club service during the year to be eligible for high point awards. You can help in many, many ways.
Membership gives you an invitation to the holiday party, and the banquet, which is coming up fast on February 18.
Knollwood Kids Show or Help at Our Three In-Barn Shows.
Whether you’re competing, or helping in the barn or at the concession stand or center ring, it takes a huge volunteer crew to run these big, big shows. Plus, mentoring the youngest riders makes you feel good, and makes the new riders feel confident.
Knollwood Kids Make New Riders Feel Welcome.
Be sure to answer questions, offer to lend a hand, fit a helmet, lead a new rider to or from the arena, or comfort a little rider who looks lost. Everyone was once a beginner looking for a friendly face. Be that, and make someone’s day.
Knollwood Kids Know There’s Always Something to Be Done in the Barn.
If you find yourself with some time on your hands, ask an instructor or a barn manager how you could help. Maybe the retirees need brushing, or the bareback pad cubbie needs straightening. Of course, it’s never a bad time to sweep!
Let’s make it a great year by coming to lessons on time and prepared, and by pitching in to help others in the barn.
Dates to remember:
January 28 Used clothing donations due in the school barn lounge
Scott’s lesson.
February 4 Used clothing sale in the show barn lounge from 11 AM to 2 PM