0 comments / Posted by Ann Wilt

Team Knollwood lost a larger than life character today when Forest passed away after a brief illness.

This charismatic Fjord made everyone laugh with his antics, whether it was escaping from his stall or catching a grass snack during summer camp sessions.

Our fully equitated Norwegian friend taught many a Knollwood Kid the value of follow through and the wisdom of not going to the whip or spur too soon.

In addition to stardom in the lesson program, Forest also enjoyed being a celebrity. He loved his time at Team Up camp where he gave rides to physically and mentally challenged kids, introduced himself to countless new horse fans at Hartland Kid Days, and most importantly, served as the beer burro at Knollwood Kid Anna’s wedding.

We’ll miss him dearly, and offer great thanks to Dr. Matt Hebl for his expert care.

We know the Rainbow Bridge will creak a little under his weight, so Cartman, Dean, Skeet, and the other Knollwood friends will know Forest is joining the crew. May he enjoy endless food and an appreciative audience for his comedy routines.


Peace, Forest.


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