Here Comes Knollwood Show Season!
Forget about snow and cold, Knollwood Spring Show entries start this Monday, March 13!
Please note that we’re taking entries through April 1.
The show is being held May 12-14, and we can hardly wait! All our riders will be wearing lime green if the supply chain holds up!
The Friday night performance is for Knollwood Challenge qualifiers, and patterns, and will be held inside starting at 6:00 PM.
New for 2023, we’ll start the performance with our walk and trot riders so they can get home early to rest for the weekend.
The walk, trot, and canter pattern riders will show after the completion of the 10 and under pattern classes, probably around 7:00 PM. (Of course, don’t quote us on that!)
Pattern class entries are included on both the Saturday and Sunday entry blanks.
The Saturday performance will be held in the big outdoor ring, and will begin at 10:00 AM.
Saturday’s show starts with our walk, trot, and canter riders from the 10 and under rock stars to the ‘grownup’ riders.
Our 11 and over walk trot competitors will show after the completion of the walk trot and canter classes, and we’ll finish the day with our Premiere walk trot riders. This division is for our walk trot riders who have competed away from home.
The Sunday show will start at 9:00 AM in the little outdoor ring.
We’ll start with the leadliners, possibly the best classes of the show.
The show will move on to our maiden riders, who are showing for the very first time. They’ll be followed by the 8 and under veteran show riders, and we’ll finish with the 9-10 year old walk and trot competitors.
A Few Notes About the Entry Process:
There are two types of entry forms, one for Saturday riders, and one for the Sunday competitors.
Your instructor is happy to help with horse selections. Remember to select horses that you’ve already ridden and are comfortable with riding.
If you haven’t included the show in your enrollment, we’ll bill your IClass Pro for the entry fees.
Be sure to try on the sample shirts so you get the perfect size. We don’t order extras.
There Are Five Entry Packages:
Leadline includes a qualifier and a championship.
Bronze includes a pleasure class, an equitation qualifier, and a championship.
It’s for riders just starting out who aren’t ready for a pattern class.
Silver adds a Friday night to the rider’s schedule. Patterns are the best!
Gold adds a Knollwood Challenge qualifier to the Friday night events. You’re an accomplished Knollwood Kid when you reach this level!
As always, your instructor and the office admins are always happy to help with the forms. Your instructor is a big help with determining which package is right for you, and which horses will help you be successful for your current riding level.
We can hardly wait to start the in-barn show season!
What’s coming up?
March 13
Thomas’ Birthday
March 24
Sport’s Birthday
March 26
Curling with the Knockouts
March 29
Alex’s Birthday
March 30
Leon’s Birthday
April 1
Entries close for the Knollwood Spring Show
April 2
Photo Shoots with the Easter Bunny, AKA Jelly
April 9
No lessons, Happy Easter.
Your instructor will be in touch to reschedule.
April 15-16
IASPHA Spring Show