Leaping Into the Future of Lesson Scheduling!
If you're a student here at Knollwood Farms, you may have received a few emails today from Wellness Living. As our lesson program continues to expand, we have been finding a need to help ourselves, our supportive family members and our athletes up to date on their schedules and lesson packages. SO, Knollwood Farms is officially signed up with Wellness Living to help us keep track of our expanding lesson program.
A few things you should know about the site:
1. Please claim your account!
If you received an email about your account, please claim it! You can see any upcoming scheduled lessons, or past lessons (there won't be much in there as of today since we are only scheduling FORWARD from here on out), you can confirm your attendance, cancel, request appointments, and even send a message to your instructor all from your account! You can also see how many lessons you have left in a package, or if you owe. If you have not received an invitation, please call or email us 262-367-2391 or
2. Please continue to book how you normally would!
If you book as you go when you're here through a face to face discussion with your instructor, if you call, text or email to book your lessons, please continue to do that. The way in which you book your lessons has not changed. Now you are just able to SEE all those beautiful riding experience you have on the docket rather than having to try and remember or pop in a phone reminder, you can just log into your Wellness Living account.
3. Your Package totals may look a little off....
For those of you who frequently purchase an annual grouping of lessons, the packages on your account may look a little funny. That is because (working forward from today on) we added only the lessons you have remaining in those packages. If totals still don't seem to add up, please get in touch and we can take a look together, after all, we are learning this system too!
4. Horse assignments!
Because we like to know which school horse is in need of a vacation (no Forest, not you again) we will be assigning horses in the system as well. That being said, when you are signed up for a lesson, the system automatically assigns you a horse within your lesson category and it does not reflect your horse assignments. Please continue to check the chart for who you are riding as your instructor will adjust the horse assignments as they check you in.
5. As always, ask questions!
We are constantly evolving and adding to our online capabilities to make your lesson purchasing and scheduling options more convenient and easy. If you have any questions, concerns, recommendations or ideas, speak up and speak out! We want to know about it. Feedback is so important to us as a means to serve you and our students better.