A Glorious Day
Photo by Andrea Sitzman photography
Every so often, a horse show day really stands out.
Not because everything was perfect, or even that everything went as planned.
Things never go as planned.
This was a glorious day because of our the sportsmanship and teamwork shown by our academy team.
At Prairie State last weekend, we were set for four riders to ride in their very first horse show. They’s worked at home for months to get ready. They worked on using the ring, on their pattern for the pattern class, and bonded with their horse for the show.
When we got to the show, Leon came out of his stall lame, and clearly wasn’t going to show. Being our unicorn, he was scheduled to show Olivia the ropes of the academy division.
Plan ‘B’ was started …
We asked Madison, another new show rider if she’d move up and show Sport, who she’d ridden at home a few times. She immediately said ‘yes’ to the challenge.
Olivia visiting Leon
Part 2 of plan ‘B’ was to ask Olivia if she’d like up accept the challenge of showing perfect Baxter, who she’d never ridden before. Her first words were, ‘ I feel so bad for Leon.’
Challenge accepted, and she rode Baxter before the show for 10 minutes, and practiced the pattern.
Meanwhile, all of our more experienced walk and trot academy riders were encouraging these riders, and show techs Adrienne, Jilly, and Thea assisted with updated tack schedules and confidence building.
All the riders cheered, hugged, and egged each other on.
Our rookies on horses new to them? They rocked.
Photo by Andrea Sitzman Photography
Olivia and Baxter rode like pros, using the ring in ways well beyond their experience. They even placed 4th in a highly competitive pattern class.
Photo by Andrea Sitzman Photography
Madison and Sport looked like they’d prepped for this day, and were even reserve the Novice Rider Championship.
We couldn’t be more proud of how all of our walk trot riders came together, and supported each other in their first of many days when things don’t work as originally planned.
Photo by Andrea Sitzman Photography
What’s Coming Up?
Knollwood Show Entries
Entries for the Knollwood Summer Show continue through June 15.
Knollwood Olympics
This Saturday!
4:45 Pizza Party
6:00 Opening Ceremonies
We’re still accepting donations by check made out to The Food Pantry of Waukesha County.
Midwest Charity Horse Show
June 11-16
The show horses are off to Springfield for the first huge show of 2024.
We’ll update with webcast info and schedules soon!
Knollwood Knockout Car Wash
June 23
Hartland Piggly Wiggly
It’s the most entertaining fundraiser of the year!
All Knockouts are asked to take a shift at this fun event. Proceeds go to the Knockouts to defray members’ cost of the awards banquet.
Not signed up yet? You can join the fun here.
Mid America Signature Show
Walk Trot Day
August 4
Unfortunately, we won’t be attending the ASAW Summerfun show this year, and we’re heading to Woodstock for the Signature show as a replacement. We have some openings in the walk and trot division. Please talk to Ann if you’d like to join the fun in the big outdoor ring at Beyond Stable Farm!
Knollwood Summer Show
Photo by Hanna Agathen Photography
August 16-18
This summer’s show features neon pink show shirts,and a beach theme.
Get your beach gear ready!
Photo by Andrea Sitzman photography
See you at the barn or at the in-gate!
It's Almost Olympic Time!
The 14th annual Knollwood Olympics are coming up this Saturday at 6:00!
New this year is a pre-games meal at 5:00 for the competitors and supporters!
Food and donations have been gathered, and we’re pleased to announce that we have 25 Olympians competing this weekend!
The teams are below:
Photo by Andrea Sitzman Photography
Captain – Kylie
Maddy S
Captain – Kali
Photo by Andrea Sitzman Photography
Captain- Sophie
Captain – Jilly
Maddie R
Captain – Charlotte
Here are some insider tips to fully enjoy the event:
Pizza and snacks will be served at 5:00 so all the competitors are fueled for the competition.
Parents and friends are encouraged to attend to cheer. (and laugh) We’ll be in the big outdoor ring, and the weather looks perfect. Please feel free to bring chairs.
The team with the most donations over their goal is the winner. Goal is number of team members times five.
The Events:
Blind Buggy Race
3 team members are competing
2 members are blindfolded and the third can see.
Sighted team member must tell the blindfolded members where to pull the cart as they navigate though an obstacle course.
Timed event.
Helmet Toss
1 Team member competes
Competitor will throw a helmet as far as they can.
Farthest toss wins.
Audience, please be on the lookout for shanked tosses!
Blanket Race
3 team members compete
1 member will be in the front of the sheet, and the other two are under the sheet and cannot see.
Teams will ‘race’ the length of the big outdoor, trying to stay in the sheet.
Timed event.
Teams choose the number of competitors.
Teams choose a song and create a dance, and must use buckets as props.
Knollwood Kid for life Shelby will judge the competitors, based on originality, use of buckets, and all around silliness.
Her bribe of choice is cold, hard, fake money.
All teammates will compete.
Our course designers are hard at work designing a relay worthy of the Olympics.
It will surely include wheelbarrows, running, and who knows what else.
Timed event.
We’re looking forward to an entertaining evening in support of the Food Pantry of Waukesha County.
Great thanks to everyone who donated food kits and money to the pantry at a time of year when they need it most.
If you'd like to join a team, check donations are still welcome until Friday. Heck, they’re welcome even if you don’t want to join the fun! Every little bit helps.
See you at the pizza party!
Dance Judge Shelby, and May Knollwood Show judge Ainsley in their Olympic days.
Madison Adventures
Team Knollwood is home after a memorable weekend at the Madison Classic Horse Show. The show welcomed talented horses and riders from all over the country, offered terrific hospitality, and even hosted a fundraiser for the young trainers association which featured a dunk tank. And yes, Scott was dunked. Repeatedly.
With 31 horses at the show, we have some great stories to share!
Knollwood Kid Leighton and adorable Prince made their debut in 10 and under walk and trot equitation. Leighton rode like a seasoned pro, and Prince, officially known as Pure Royalty, loved every minute of the walk and trot division. The new team won both their classes, and are headed next to Midwest.
New academy team graduate Adrienne made her show horse debut with Frito at the show. Officially known as Go Fund Me, Frito showed Adrienne the ways of a show horse, and they both had a blast in their debut.
The newest addition to Team Knollwood, Alivia, continued her success with hew beautiful 3 gaited horse Harley. Registered as Newlines Captain Marvel, Harley and Alivia lit up the ring and finished reserve in both of their classes.
Natalie and Garfield showed together for the first time, and had great rides in their Challenge Cup qualifier and finished a great third in a stacked Pleasure Equitation championship. The future is bright for this charismatic team.
Mia showed a 5 gaited horse for the first time, and she got to show with Margit, which hasn't happened since their academy days.
Mia showed Shane while Margit showed the always enthusiastic Charlie in the junior exhibitor gaited pleasure division, and the 2 Knollwood Kids put on quite a show.
Maiya and Riddle picked up right where they left off last fall, winning the pleasure equitation championship with Shaye in reserve.
Payton and Richie were fighting it out in the trimmed equitation division. The championship was won by Payton with Richie a close second, It’s going to be quite a season watching these two battle.
It takes a village to pull off a big show like this one, and we’re grateful to everyone who helped with horses, refreshments, hair, and the million of other things that made the show run smoothly.
What’s coming up?
Food kits, and monetary donations are due May 31 to join an Olympic team. Remember, cash equivalent for a food kit is $15 per kit, and checks should be made out to The Food Pantry of Waukesha County.
Prairie State Classic Horse Show
June 1-3
Beyond Stable Farm
Woodstock, IL
The academy team is off the Beyond Stable for another sold out show.
We’re thrilled to be bringing 4 first time riders to the show. Please come down and cheer on Allison, Ava, Madison, and Olivia as well as the other Knollwood stars!
Knollwood Entry Time
June 1-15
It’s time to sign up for the Summer Show being held August 16-18.
Entry blanks and shirt size samples will be available in the school barn lounge.
It’s going to be a fun show with a beach party theme. You won’t want to miss it!
Knollwood Olympics
June 8
6:00 PM
Big Outdoor Ring (Hopefully)
Olympians will gather in the big outdoor arena for ‘games of skill.’ If the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll move to the indoor arena.
Thank you in advance for your generosity to our neighbors in need.
Midwest Charity Horse Show
June 11-16
Illinois State Fairgrounds
Springfield, IL
The show horses are headed to the prettiest horse show arena in the country to compete against some of the best horses and riders in the country.
We’ll post schedules and webcast info when they’re available.
Camp Season Starts!
June 10
The kids take over the farm from June through August.
We have a couple of openings left, but we’re almost totally sold out.
If you haven’t yet signed up, or have a friend who’s interested, ask your instructor or admin.
Knockout Car Wash and Brat Bash
June 23
Hartland Piggly Wiggly
It’s one of the Knockout’s biggest fundraisers, and proceeds will help defray the cost of the banquet. We’re asking all Knockouts to take a shift to help support the club.
You can sign up here.
Oshkosh Charity Horse Show
June 26-29
Sunnyview Expo, Oshkosh
Is it a horse show, or a trip to the park?
It’s a horse show in a beautiful setting, and Knollwood will be there with show horses and academy riders. Drive up and enjoy a day or two at the show!
Mini Camp For Riders 7 And Up
June 30
Noon – 3:00
Have a friend who’s interested in horses? They can enjoy 3 hours in the barn learning all about horses and riding. Molly and her helpers will teach safety, grooming, and tacking before a riding lesson at 2:30. This intro camp is only $99, and can be purchased online or in person.
See you soon at the barn, or at the in-gate!
Madison Classic, Here We Come!
Team Knollwood is set up at Madison’s New Holland Pavillion prepping to start the Madison Classic Horse show tomorrow at 10:00 AM.
There are 31 Knollwood horses on the grounds, and it’s going to be quite a show. Horses from as far away as Kentucky and Ohio have made the trip to enjoy this spectacular horse show.
The facility is new and airy, the competition is fierce, and the vibe is super friendly. Plus, the show is using a three judge panel, which all exhibitors love.
We’ll post schedules shortly, and it’s definitely worth a trip to Madison to see the show.
Some highlights to watch?
Knollwood Kid for life Kerry will make her debut with her new 5 gaited partner, Jade who's leased from the Cooper family!
Knollwood Kid Mia will be showing a gaited horse for the first time!
Knollwood Kid Adrienne will show in a suit for the first time when she shows Frito, her lease horse!
Knollwood Kid Natalie will make her debut on Garfield in the hot 14-17 Pleasure equitation division!
Knollwood Kid Tess will ride her first classes on Eli in Country Pleasure.
Knollwood Kid Leighton will make her equitation debut with Prince in the 10 and Under division.
Newest Knollwood Kid Alivia will show beautiful Harley in Junior Exhibitor 3 Gaited.
Did someone say academy?
Knollwood will have 7 academy riders at the show, and 5 of them are showing in the 14-17 equitation division.
What’s Coming Up?
We’re closing on Monday, May 27 to commemorate Memorial Day.
Your instructor has scheduled a make up.
Food Kits are due May 31.
Be sure to have your food kits or cash equivalent donation ($15 for each kit) in by the 31st. You really don’t want to miss the Olympics!
Tank orders are also due May 31.
May 31-June 2
Prairie State Classic Horse Show
Beyond Stable Farm
Our academy team is off to Woodstock for a big show. Classes look big, and we’re looking forward to showing in the spacious covered outdoor arena!
June 1 - 15
Knollwood Summer entry time!
Join us for the summer show coming up on August 16-18.
We’re having a beach party themed show, and riders will be wearing HOT pink.
June 8
6:00 PM
Knollwood Olympics
All Olympians will gather in the big outdoor ring to compete in silly games of skill.
Should the weather not cooperate, we’ll move the games to the indoor arena.
83rd Annual Midwest Charity Horse Show
Illinois State Fairgrounds, Springfield, IL
The show barn is off to an important early show where the best meets the best.
Held in arguably the most beautiful horse show arena in the country, the show hosts horses from all over. It showcases the best equiatation riders and beautiful show horses.
June 23
11:00AM – 3:00PM
Knollwood Knockout Car Wash
Hartland Piggly Wiggly
It the best fundraiser of the year! We ask all Knockout members to take a shift to wash cars and man the brat shack. This fundraiser helps us defray costs of the banquet, which we all enjoy.
Oshkosh Charity Horse Show
Sunnyview Expo Center
June 26-29
We love Oshkosh! The grounds are park-like, the arena is huge, and hospitality is the best.
We'll be there with show horses and academy riders.
See you soon at the barn, or at the in-gate!
The Perfect Weekend
If perfection is even possible, we experienced it last weekend at our spring in-barn show.
For three days, we celebrated our academy program and the all the wonderful people and horses who contribute to its success. Of, don’t worry, there were contributions from dogs and cats as well. It IS Knollwood, after all.
We’re grateful to so many for so much, and we’ll try to explain.
It takes many, many hands to put on a horse show for 90 plus riders who compete in a minimum of three classes each. Knollwood families pitch in to make this a grand weekend for our riders.
We had kids and parents working in concession, grilling delicious food, creating gift baskets, and putting up and tearing down the tents.
Lisa oversees the ‘Knockout Village’ of concession stand and other fundraising. Because the show fell on Mothers Day weekend, the Knockouts served lemonade and cupcakes to moms, grandmas, and honorary moms of all types.
Thanks to our generous sponsors of OKTA and TRIP-LICITY, THE Knockouts cleared over $1500 this weekend, which will help the club defray award banquet expenses.
If you’re interested in sponsorship, or know of someone who might be, we have 2 more shows coming up this season. We’d love to get the name of your company out there!
We are grateful for all the families who donated some of their Mothers Day weekend to make the show a memorable event for so many.
Knollwood Kid for life Ainsley judged each and every class like it was the first of the show. She evaluated each class with great thought, and rewarded riders who improved class to class, which is fantastic.
She also offered words of encouragement to riders, and explained some of the placings.
Show Staff
Wendy announced both Saturday and Sunday, offering explanations, and keeping everyone up to date on upcoming events. She didn’t break into song once!
Hanna took wonderful pictures of the show both Saturday and Sunday. Be sure to check out your proofs here.
Jane was our Sunday concierge and helped our 10 and under walk trot riders navigate the day.
Personal Assistants
These Knollwood Kids are the best.
Our 15 Sunday assistants were each responsible for a horse for 10 and under walk trot day. They’re knowledgeable, kind, efficient, and friendly. From prepping horses to making sure saddles and stirrups were correct to putting up their horse after the show, they were amazing.
Their contribution on Sunday freed up the instructors to watch their newest show stars in the ring and offer them advice before their championship classes.
They’re just amazing horse people.
The Horses
We’ll say it again.
We have the best lesson horses in the world.
From our newest horse Mulligan who worked at the show with Brooklyn to Sparky who’s probably shown 14000 times, they were all on their best behavior as teachers.
Some highlights?
Earl thought the crowd was great, and wanted to visit with them.
Bee won her first equitation championship.
Poppy thought showing walk and trot in the big outdoor was the best.
Mulligan enjoyed everything about the weekend in both arenas.
Knollwood’s Show Stars
We were thrilled to have over 90 riders participate in our spring show.
Entry level showing is a chance for riders to practice all the skills they acquire in their lessons in a different situation. These Knollwood Kids overcome their nerves each time they enter the ring, and every one of them should be congratulated for that.
So many lessons are learned at these shows.
Some horses, like Hugo are a lot easier to get going in a show situation while others, like Earl are actually distracted by the audience and move a little slower.
Riders learn that the show ring is unpredictable. Other riders can make interesting traffic decisions, diagonals can be more difficult to identify with the added stress, and you can never predict when a certain yellow and white cat may enter the show ring.
Riders learn resilience. Everyone is learning, so there will be missed diagonals and leads, there will be forgotten pattern elements, and there will be disappointments. Riders quickly learn that mistakes are part of the process, and should be learned from. Move on, congratulate someone on a good ride, and move on.
What related things do they learn?
To congratulate everyone who was as brave as they were to show, and be judged.
To clap for everyone, even from the line up.
To appreciate, respect, and give credit to your horse.
That the most important thing is your ride. Did you meet your goals? Was your instructor happy with your ride?
It's not the ribbon, it's the ride.
What’s Coming Up?
The Food Drive is On!
We’re teaming with the Food Pantry of Waukesha County through May 31 to help them at a time of the year when stocks run low. It’s our 12th annual drive, and we’d love all of Team Knollwood to help us help our neighbors in need.
Just bring in a minimum of 5 food kits, and you’ll be eligible to compete in the Knollwood Olympics on June 8. Participants will be placed on teams by day of the week, and compete in ‘games of skill’ like blanket racing and helmet tossing.
Summer Tee Shirts
We have some fun summer shirts in stock! Youth sizes are available in kiwi and purple for only $20. You can pick yours up from an admin or an instructor. We’re taking cash, credit card, or checks.
Madison Classic Horse Show
May 23-26
New Holland Pavillion, Madison WI
Most of the show horses, and some lesson horses will be at this big, big show. It will be worth a road trip to see all the grand show horses and accomplished academy stars.
Memorial Day
Monday, May 27
We’re not holding lessons in honor of Memorial Day. Your instructor will schedule a make up.
Prairie State Classic Horse Show
May 31 – June 2
Beyond Stable Farm, Woodstock, IL
Our academy horses and riders will compete against some great Saddlebred and Morgan lesson programs. We have 4 new riders making their academy debut at the show, too.
Please come down and cheer them on!
Knollwood Summer Show Entry Time
June 1-15
Yup, it’s time to enter our Summer show which is happening August 16-18.
Think the weather can be as perfect as last weekend?
Knockout Car Wash
June 23
Piggly Wiggly in Hartland
11AM – 3:00PM
It’s the most entertaining fundraiser of the year!
All Knockouts are asked to take a shift to wash cars and work the brat shack. We need parent volunteers as well to grill and man the cash boxes.
See you soon at the barn.