0 comments / Posted by Ann Wilt

This is a wonderful time of the year. Kids are looking forward to summer vacation, windows and screen doors are finally open, horses are out enjoying the fresh grass, and everyone’s looking forward to show season.

The last couple of weeks have been busy, so let’s catch everyone up on all the happenings at Knollwood!

Our show horses just returned from their first long road trip show of the 2018 season. Team Knollwood attended the UPHA Chapter 5 show in Kansas City for the first time, and everyone agreed it was a wonderful show. The facility was convenient, and even air conditioned in the hot KC weather, the schedule was exhibitor friendly, the footing was horse friendly, and the hospitality was continuous. Great thanks to Missy and Tuffy on putting on a great show.

Gabby and Charlie picked up where they left off last season, winning their qualifier in the Junior Exhibitor 5 Gaited Show Pleasure division, and finished reserve in the championship. These two have an exciting season ahead.

Richie and Tink also started 2018 with a bang, winning their walk and trot equitation qualifier, and finishing reserve in their championship. Few horses light up as much as Tink when they enter the ring, and this charismatic pair is a blast to watch.

Is there anything Ainsley can’t do? She and Millie are always in the thick of it in the Junior Exhibitor 5 Gaited division, and this show was no exception. The dynamic duo finished second in their qualifier, and came back to win their championship.

Ainsley has always enjoyed equitation, but has been concentrating in the performance divisions for the past few years. She decided she wanted to take up the challenge for her final year, and her family has leased Mina to allow that to happen.


Ainsley is no stranger to equitation success, having won the National Walk and Trot Final in 2012, the UPHA Pleaseure Challenge Cup National Final in 2013, and won the Reserve World’s Grand Championship in Junior equitation in both 2014 and 2015 as well as the National Championship of equitation in 2014.

Ainsley returned strong at Chapter 5, winning the Saddle and Bridle Pleasure Equitation Medallion qualifier, and finishing 4th in a deep championship. Ainsley and Mina are going to be a force this year.


Payton made her Team Knollwood debut, and wowed everyone with her presence and poise. She and Eli won both the qualifier and championship in the  Junior Exhibitor 3 Gaited division.  She then teamed up with Dos to win their Open Junior Exhibitor Pleasure qualifier before they showed back in the championship that included Junior and senior exhibitors, and won that too.  In between, Payton and Dos also finished second in a UPHA Challenge Cup qualifier.

Finn enjoyed great success at her first show riding Sophie. These two make a beautiful team, and finished second in their first class together, the  USEF Medal qualifier.  Finn showed back in the championship, and came out on top of a wonderful group of riders.

When she wasn’t showing in equitation, Finn was busy showing her beautiful pleasure horse Frankie in the 3 Gaited Show Pleasure division.  Finn and Frankie finished second in both their qualifier and championship.


Knollwood Kid Haley had quite a show at Chapter 5.  Haley showed the one and only Brookhill’s Passion Punch in her first ever equitation classes, and Leila seemed to like it. The new pair won the Good Hands class as well as the UPHA Pleasure Challenge Cup qualifier. These two are going to be beautiful to watch.

Haley is also a sought after catch rider, and had the opportunity to show Kalarama’s Out of the Ordinary to 2 wins in the Junior Exhibitor Park Division. Haley had previously shown this grand gelding to wins at  River Ridge, and will show him again at the Madison Classic. He’s owned by Amanda Dellinger-Allen and trained by Hollow Haven Farm.


While the show horses were away, the home office enjoyed lots of lessons and other horsey fun like the Knockouts’ street clean-up, the one and only Willy’s 30th birthday party, and a laugh filled Mom’s Day ride.


What’s Coming Up?

This Saturday is one of the biggest days of the year at Knollwood. We’ll kick it off with our Open House starting at 11. We have the best customers in the world, and we  invite you to bring your friends to enjoy FREE mini rides, tours of the beautiful historic farm, pony painting, and the chance to watch lessons in progress. New customers will also receive a 10% discount on any lessons purchased at the Open House.

We’ll finish lessons up before we host our biggest charitable event of the year, the Knollwood Olympics. Riders have been collecting food kits for the Food Pantry of Waukesha County all month. Those who have collected a minimum of 5 kits have earned the right to compete in our version of Olympic events.

Teams based on the day the kids ride will compete against each other in events such as the blind buggy race, the helmet toss, and the blanket race. Following the events, all the participants will gather for a potluck cookout while we finish the final tallying of food donations. The teams who collect the most food kits over their goal will receive special prizes donated by our friends at Wild Impact Marketing.

Bring a food kit to donate to your favorite team, and come cheer on the teams as they help their neighbors in need!

The following weekend, both academy and show horses will be heading to west for the Madison Classic Horse Show. Always a popular event, it’s a sell out this year, with horses coming from all over the country to enjoy the well managed show known for its hospitality and friendly competition.

This is the second sold out show in our area so far this season, with the first being the Spring IASPHA show. We're excited about the strength of the industry in our 'neighborhood!'

We’ll post the schedule so you can plan your weekend trips to the show. Academy horses will show at 9 AM on Saturday, and show horses will compete from Thursday through Sunday. You won’t want to miss it!

We hope you can join us for all the fun the next few weekends.

See you at the barn!



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