0 comments / Posted by Ann Wilt

So, kids are finally getting out of school, the weather is trying to cooperate, and everyone at the farm is looking forward to Knollwood Summer 2019.

Scott, Carol, and crew enjoyed a rare quiet weekend at home while the academy and some ‘B’ horses were competing at the Prairie State Classic show.  Primarily a Morgan show, Prairie State is a favorite to many with its hospitality and friendly atmosphere.

Our favorite stores of the show?

Jodi and JD have been working hard, and it all came together in Woodstock when they won both their qualifier and championship.  Congrats to them both!


Thomas continues his education as a Knollwood academy horse. 

He’s gaining confidence with every performance, and seemed to really enjoy being at the show, living the life of an indoor show horse.  He and Juliet even won their equitation championship, so Thomas got to make his first victory pass!  He was a little unsure about the neck ribbon at first, but he made his turn around the arena like he’d been doing it forever.


It’s Big Time.

Show horses will be leaving Saturday for the 78th annual Midwest Charity Horse Show in Springfield, Illinois. Horses and riders from all over the country will be competing at one of the best shows in the nation, and it’s the first one on the calendar where many Louisville contenders meet.

Team Knollwood will be there in numbers, and we’ll fill you in on the webcast and schedule information as soon as it’s all set.



Time For Camp

Summer riding school starts on Monday!

Our first sold out session of Tiny Tot Camp and an advanced camp both start first thing next week. 

Classic Summer Riding School starts the following Monday, June 17.  Helper sign ups are on the tack room door in the school barn, so please get your name on the schedule if you’d like to join in the fun!


The Drive is Almost Over!

Great thanks to everyone who’s donated to our annual food drive so far.  We currently have 186 food kits or cash equivalents on hand, and are accepting donations through Saturday. The food is heading to the Food Pantry of Waukesha County on Monday.

All riders who collected a minimum of 5 food kits are gathering Saturday for a Knockout meeting at 5:00, followed by the start of the Video Scavenger Hunt at 5:30. 

(Thanks to our friends at High Caliber Stables for their information and inspiration!)

Teams will get to travel all over the farm to perform the following:



  • Make a video of selected school horses at the round bale.

Yes, you’ll be asked to imitate Tony, Fred, and Frank the pony as they enjoy all the food they can eat.


  • Take a team photo of how many people can fit on a Fjord.

We’re not sure if there’s a world record, but we’re confident we can break one.  Right, Forest?



  • Make a team video of the school horses coming in for lessons.


Team members get to be Hugo, Mark, Bo, Sparky, and Big Frank as they try to find their stalls. Or not.



  • Take a team photo of the best sardines hiding spot you know.

The farm is a big place when you’re trying to hide 5 or 6 people in this classic  Knollwood game.



  • Make a team video of Hazel making the round of laps in the show barn lounge.

Yes, one team member gets to don a tiara and carry a rawhide as she imitates Hazel making friends in the lounge.



  • Take a photo of the entire team on the little outdoor fence screaming like Bengal the cat.

Silent human screams, of course.



Bonus !

Make a video of Scott teaching a lesson OR coaching a show class

               We made it a bonus, because not everyone has had the pleasure of having a lesson with the one and only.  Props include Scott’s arena stool, a lash whip, and anything else you can think of.  Be sure to throw in key phrases like, ‘That’s way more betterer,’ and the always classic, ‘Stupid horse.’

              Groups can break teams for this event so many of Scott's students get a chance to give a Scott lesson.


Following all the filming, we’ll gather for a huge picnic while we get the pics uploaded to social media for all to enjoy.  We’ll also award prizes for the teams most over their goal.


If you didn't donate but would like to watch, the price of admission is one food kit or a $15 donation to the Food Pantry of Waukesha County.


See you at the barn, or at the in-gate!




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