One Character Short
It became a somber day at Knollwood when barn cat extraordinaire passed away unexpectedly.
Rescued as a sick kitten, Dean quickly wormed his way into the hearts of Team Knollwood. A true feline ambassador, Dean became a friend to many who claimed to not be 'cat people.'
Dean was not your average barn cat. Always looking to make his presence known, Dean helped instructors in the little outdoor ring, often resting in the step ladder, AKA his cabana. He excelled at earing up horses outside, and could do it from the top of the fence, or by popping up prairie dog style above the lowest rail.
Dean never missed a photo op, let us wrap him for the holidays just because we could, and enjoyed having his bed spun as if he made a trip to Great America.
We'll miss him racing us up the aisle, enjoying play time with his catnip stuffed stick of dynamite, and living in the back number box the entire weekend of Knollwood shows.