0 comments / Posted by Ann Wilt

We've been working hard all off season.

Horses and riders have learned lessons and advanced their pattern skills. Show clothes have been tailored to a T, horses are in top form, and we’re ready to enter the in-gate at Bridlespur and IASPHA Spring.

Tradition, Honor, Passion

Knollwood has a storied history of respect for the sport.

Scott and Carol have spent decades in the saddlebred industry, and their team has a tradition of sportsmanship and passion for the sport.

Everything we do adds to the history of this tradition, and reflects on all team members. Of course we want to uphold the tradition by being great supporters, friends, and competitors.

How do we do that?


Embrace the friends you meet along the way.

Horse friendships run deep.

With a shared bond of loving horses and riding, you'll find your horse friends will stay with you through thick and thin, because they understand. Friends may be in your own barn, or will ride with other trainers. You’ll find many of these ‘horse peeps’ stay friends for life.



Trust the process.

Showing horses is not an easy endeavor.

It’s hard.

Your trainers and instructors are trying to make you the best you can be. Some lessons will contain ‘light bulb moments,’ and some will make your body and brain reach their limit. Trust that, in the end, you’ll come out stronger and able to achieve things you only dreamed of doing.



You can’t control everything.

But you CAN control how you react.

Your real strength lies in how you control yourself in good times and in less than perfect situations.

Last year at Louisville, Richie’s horse wasn’t able to show, and through the generosity of a fellow Knollwood customer, Richie was able to show in the Senior World’s Grand Championship of Equitation. After that horse threw a shoe in the ring, Richie earned an 8th place ribbon while balancing a horse new to him on one front shoe.

He could have given up mentally, but he fought through, and displayed horsemanship for all to see.



‘Gossip dies when it meets wise ears.’

The saddlebred world is a small one, and there’s really no room for speaking ill of others. When you encounter this, and you will, just walk away. Please don’t play the game.

Remember who you are, and who you represent. You’re here for the sport, your friends, and the horses. You’re not here for imaginary drama.



Give people grace.

Competition in any sport is intense.

Sometimes, people don’t react as you think they should, or say things in a way that sounds odd.

Nothing is personal, and if they misspoke or reacted unusually, let it go.

Control your reaction and move on.




Look Behind You.

Give Someone a Helping Hand.

Here at Knollwood, and at horse shows, there are plenty of up and coming riders.

They look up to you as an accomplished rider, and you're their role model.

You'll have a ball making friends with them. Listen to them, and you'll remember what it was like when you were a little horse person.

Your kindness and interest will help them feel like part of the team, and welcome in the horse world. 

You won't be disappointed, and you'll feel proud as they become accomplished riders and kids.



Clap for Everyone.

Whether they're a Team Knollwood member, or if they ride at another barn, be the kind of horse person who applauds everyone's successes.

This is a demanding sport with great rewards. Let's be part of everyone's successes by congratulating all accomplishments.



Gratitude is all.

We have the opportunity to spend hours with horses and fellow horse lovers. We get to enjoy beautiful days at the barn, get to travel to horse shows, and get to do it with our trainers, friends and families.

Is there anything better?


Embrace the memories.

Remember the time you missed a diagonal in an academy class? It seemed HUGE at the time, and now you laugh about it.

Remember the first time you saw a gaited horse so perfect that you never forgot it?

Remember the time you performed a great workout?

Remember the time you watched a friend win a championship?

Remember the time you and your friends were so happy that you cried?

Remember the time after a show when you stayed in the aisle just to enjoy it all?

Remember all the times your coach told you that you did a great job?

Remember looking into your horse’s eyes?




It’s time.

Let’s have a memorable show season showcasing our motto:

Tradition. Honor. Passion.





What’s Coming Up?

Street Clean Up

All Knockouts are invited to join us on Saturday, April 27 at 1:00 PM to clean up Oakwood and Nagawicka Roads.

Stay for the Knockout meeting right after!



Academy Palooza

May 3-4

The academy team is heading to Beyond Stable Farm in Woodstock for a fun show. Please make the trip to cheer us on!





Knollwood Spring Show

May 10-12

We can hardly wait!




Food Drive  

May 10th to 31st

Our annual food drive to benefit the Food Pantry of Waukesha County is kicking off on show weekend. Traditionally, we gather about 1000 pounds of food for the pantry at a time when their inventory runs low. Please help us help our neighbors in need.

Every Knollwood Kid who gathers a minimum of five food kits will be eligible to join a team for the Knollwood Olympics on Saturday, June 8.





See you soon at the barn or at the in-gate.



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