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Happy 2022!


The best lesson horses in the world have spent the past few weeks reflecting on their wishes and hopes for the new year. In the past, they’ve worked on New Year’s resolutions, but judging by Fred’s continued weight challenges, and Hugo’s continued anti-social behavior with his next door neighbor Picasso, the resolutions have not been kept.

So, in alphabetical order, so as not to make anyone feel slighted, here are the wishes of Knollwood’s finest:

Baxter would like a sun lamp in his stall so he gets plenty of vitamin D on days when he can’t get out.  He’d also like everyone to remember all the great lesson horses who have gone before, especially Sundance and Dudley, who were great friends as Baxter was becoming one of the gang.



Bee is grateful to have landed at Knollwood, and is wishing for a 2022 full of more learning and more quality time with her teachers, our up and coming academy stars. She’d like to make it to a show or two, also!


Big Frank is always looking for ways to improve himself. He’d like to steal the lesson horse iPad and enjoy some of ‘The Great Courses’ online. If he can’t get enough screen time, he’d like to learn more about landscaping so he can dig some interesting shapes in his stall. A berm, perhaps?


Cashew would like some new colors for his fleece covered cribbing collar. Periwinkle IS the color of the year, you know!


Dexter would like more wee pattern riders. He enjoys teaching them the ins and outs of circles, and really loves to use his patented ‘speed racer’ timing when they least expect it. Of course, he’d also like to attend more outdoor shows where his perfect coloring shines in the sun!


Photo credit Hanna Agathen

Duke would like padding installed on the arena walls so he’s more comfortable as he leans into them. If Scott nixes the arena padding idea, he’d appreciate some game days this year so he can show his competitive nature. 

Really. Just ask Hanna.



Eddie loves being a horse every day, even though we all know he’s so much more. He would like more pattern camps, especially in the big outdoor ring where he can power down the rail showing off for the broodmares. Match.com might not be a bad idea either for this fantastic ladies man.


Photo credit Hanna Agathen

Happy Jack is just thrilled to be a Knollwood Kid. He’d like to receive more credit for his great moves in the arena, especially his stopping ability. Oh, and he’d prefer if we removed all the crops from the farm and slow life down a little bit. You know, we should all enjoy his slow pace.


Hooper would like the entire world to convert to front clothing items for everyone. Yes, everyone.  That way, there can be NO confusion about him getting a dreaded ‘over the head’ article of clothing in his wardrobe.


Hugo would like Ken to change the width of the bars on the walls between stalls. He’d like to spend less time aiming at Picasso’s feed bin, and this would make it so much easier.

If Ken is too busy, Hugo would settle for an extra week of vacation.



Jelly would like all of his friends to stop grooming his mane. Even he realizes that he’s starting to look like a mullet man, and it’s getting a little embarrassing. If they won’t lay off, he’ll have to beg Carol for hair extensions, and he’s afraid to ask.


Klem would like world peace.

Realizing that may be a big ask, he’d settle for daily spa treatments, invitations to lunch with the pattern campers every day, and an unlimited supply of baby carrots.



Photo credit Hanna Agathen

Leon is upset that Klem asked for world peace before he had the chance.

Always thinking of others, dear sweet Leon wishes that in 2022, next door neighbor Thomas figures out the location of his stall. At a minimum, he’d like Thomas to get that first left turn down.


Photo credit Hanna Agathen

Lil Frank wishes to squash the stereotype that all ponies are evil. Heck, Little Frank is a winner with tiny tots, beginning bareback riders, beginner canterers, and enjoys time with the more advanced riders knocking over cones and playing games.


Photo credit Hanna Agathen

Mac would like guard rails installed in the arena so he’s not constantly tempted to go to the middle.  Realizing that Scott may not be a big fan of school horse ‘bumpers,’ Mac would settle for a date with Bee.


Murphy would like mirrors on the walls of his stall so he could admire himself all the time. If Ken isn’t up to mirror installation for a horse, Murphy would settle for a small, lighted make up mirror mounted near his door. But Ken, this WOULD require an electrical update...



Photo credit Hanna Agathen

Nigel enjoys Knollwood shows, and would really like to feel that thrilled about life every day.


Picasso would like a new neighbor, or at least a solid wall on the side facing Hugo. Also, he’d like more game days!!


Sparky has reached full Zen enlightenment and wouldn’t change a thing.


Sport reports that he’s happy as can be, and is most thankful for his vet work that makes him feel like Superman. He wants to go to all the shows he can in 2022, and to learn all he can from his retired brother Callaways Don’t Panic as they reminisce about their Dad, Callaway's Blue Norther.


Thomas would like to enter therapy and work through his fear of towels on the ground. It’s holding him back from enjoying games of ‘Musical Towels' and it's officially called apollophobia, He looked it up.


Vaughn would like to outlaw scary white lights during the holiday season. Although, he does admit that he enjoys messing with his students while pretending to be afraid of the lights. If the lights are removed, he promises to find something else to overreact to.


These two insisted on adding their wishes…

Hazel wishes that everyone is happy every day of 2022.  If you’re having a problem with this, she’s always available for therapy.


Richmond wishes for lots of bird hunting time, and he will try his best not to puke the remnants on instructors’ belongings in the lounge.

He’d also like to earn his yoga instructor certification, and to spend more time in the arena with Hazel, and with all the Knollwood Kids in the barn.

He shared two words, ‘BLANKET TOSSING!’



It’s been a challenging year in the world, and everyone at Knollwood is grateful for many things.

Our customers are the best, offering us friendships, support, and countless laughs. Thank you for trusting us with your riding educations, and with your beautiful horses.

We wish everyone a healthy, happy 2022 full of adventures, and of course, horses.



Photo credit Hanna Agathen

See you soon at the barn!





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